Non-contact boxing sessions that develop a range of mental and physical skills that are transferable to other aspects of learning.
Boxing for Schools
Local Boxing coaches from amateur boxing clubs across the country are available to deliver the Allstars Boxing programme in your primary school.
Sessions are available all year round in half term and term blocks, and include:
Breakfast clubs
In - Curriculum sessions
After school sessions
Here's just 10 reasons why Boxing is good for your school...
1. It's accessible to all primary school sports teachers with built-in training and mentoring support
2. The Allstars Boxing programme is easy to use and can be delivered inside or outside.
3. We provide all the equipment
4. All the activities are trackable by your school and parents too.
5. It is rich in content and PE resources
It can be adapted to support your wholes school outcomes.
6. Sessions can be delivered in breakfast and after school clubs or in curriculum time.
7. It is accessible all year round.
8. The FUNdamentals of boxing include movement skills which are key to so many physical activities.
9. As well as physical learning it's about ‘developing the whole child’ through soft skills
10. It's approved by England Boxing - you can be confident in its competency
To talk about Boxingtots at your primary school please email info@boxingtots.com